

1) Brush your teeth every day and at least two times a day: morning and evening, after meals, washing teeth become the main measure of prevention.

2) Use a toothpaste: the use of a toothpaste containing fluoride or other substances able to prevent caries is an indispensable aid.

3) Use the floss: the use of dental floss at least once a day helps in the removal of food residues in the spaces where it is more difficult the action of the toothbrush.

4) Check the state of the tissue surrounding the tooth: a bleeding or a reduction in the height of the gums around one or more teeth can be tied to a state of gingival inflammation. The control of this part of the mouth is very important because gum disease can progress silently until you get to the more advanced stages of severity.

5) Go to the dentist every six months for a dental check-up is the most effective measure to immediately discover new dental caries, treat them before they are deepened and check the health of the supporting tissues of the tooth.

6) Perform a session of oral care professional every six months: the tartar is not conducive to good oral health. Unless otherwise advised, do with a regular six-monthly meeting of professional dental care is a very effective preventive measure.

7) Do not smoke: Smoking seriously harms also the tissues of the mouth and face.

8) Attention to Food: a diet full of sugary substances, and repeatedly adopted, may result in increased risk of dental caries.

9) Mothers and weaning: the mother is the main source of transfer of bacterial plaque in the baby’s mouth. To prevent your baby can develop precociously a plaque that can cause tooth decay, the mother must have a healthy mouth or do not taste the food before you hand them to the child using the same cutlery.

10) Avoid prolonged contact between foods or sugary drinks or drugs and teeth: the prolonged stagnation of sugary substances on the surface of the tooth, especially in milk teeth, seriously increases the risk of dental caries.